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3 We still hear them_edited.png

Artwork by Anne Belov 2022.

3 We still hear them_edited.png

It is quiet and then…

... there is the excessive noise for those of us living under or near the EA-18G Growler jets!


We know that this noise is harmful to our bodies, minds, and spirits. Excessive jet noise has been associated with high blood pressure, anxiety and stress, heart disease, risk of stroke, hearing damage, sleeplessness, and impacts to children’s learning. Our campaigns this spring and summer will emphasize the harm from the Growlers, the research that supports what we know about this harm, and our Roadmap to the Remedy.


The Sound Defense Alliance is the go-to organization in the Pacific Northwest addressing the need to relocate the EA-18 Growlers to a military base or bases where culturally, historically, and environmentally sensitive communities, wilderness, and wildlife are not under jet flight patterns. We are not advocating for base closure; Naval Air Station Whidbey Island should stay open. We support the development and siting of new, more environmentally friendly technologies that will still meet the Navy’s mission. Less expensive, greener technologies such as drones will reduce the harm and destruction of communities and the natural environment around the region.

SDA’s mission is to protect communities and the natural environment from harmful military activity around the Salish Sea, Puget Sound, and Olympic Peninsula. We are expanding our base of supporters, increasing knowledge and engagement across the region, and working with local, state, and federal elected officials to expand support for our roadmap to relocate the Growlers.

Join the Alliance in support of our campaign.

Download the images below and post to your social medias with the hashtag: #WeStillHearThem.

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