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Sound Off-Voices from the Community

The Sound Off Rally held on October 3rd, attracted crowds of all ages who came together at 4 different locations in NW Washington to send a message to the Department of Defense in Washington D.C.: No New Jets No New Flights.

Approximately 700 people at 4 different events (500 Coupeville, and approximately 75 at each venue for Port Townsend, Lopez Island, and Anacortes) came to send a message loud and clear to their elected officials and the Navy – We hear you. Do you hear us? No New Jets. No New Flights. Postcards were written and social media was engaged to send messages to elected officials in Washington D.C.

The event in Coupeville, Washington afforded community members the opportunity to tell their story. These sound bites help tell the story of what is happening to our communities throughout our NW region.

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